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The Story behind the business
Ian Hamilton began playing the Oboe some 50+ years ago  and as every young musician, dreamed of playing with a major Orchestra as a career. Unfortunately his father said those frightening words "You must get a proper job" so he pursued a career in engineering. But lady luck was round the corner and along came the time for National Service and Ian joined up as a bandsman.

After National Service, Ian went back to a career in Precision engineering, which proved to be an invaluable asset a few years later. During this period he formed the most respected Wind quintet in the North of England as well as playing in some of the largest concert halls with world renowned musicians.

In 1970 he decided to pursue a full time musical career and relocated to the Sheffield area. Where he very quickly gained a reputation as an excellent Oboist, woodwind teacher & repairer.

Ian joined the Sheffield Philharmonic Orchestra and was instrumental in the launch of the Hallam Sinfonia.  Whilst teaching for the Sheffield Education as a Peripatetic Woodwind teacher, Ian recognised the need for a competent woodwind repairer in the area. So applying the knowledge he gained from a precision engineering background, coupled with a love and in depth knowledge of all woodwind along with a natural aptitude, the repair business was born.

Ian works this business with a passion and his son, Chris.